Homework 8 Key

knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = ">")



Answer 1

Given a vector of birthdates1, write a function to compute the ages in years. Test your function!

age_from_bday <- function(birthdate){
  (today() - mdy(birthdate)) |> time_length(unit = "year") |> round(2)

age_from_bday(c("12/05/1980", "November 6, 1983", "Jan 30, 2020", "5-28-23"))
> [1] 42.99 40.07  3.84  0.51

Answer 2

For each of the following functions list all arguments that use tidy evaluation and describe whether they use data-masking or tidy-selection: distinct(), count(), group_by()2, rename_with(), slice_min(), slice_sample().

Function Argument(s) Tidy-Evaluation Type
distinct() ... data-masking
count() ... data-masking
wt data-masking
group_by() ... data-masking
rename_with() .cols tidy-select
slice_min() order_by data-masking
by tidy-select
slice_sample() by tidy-select
weight_by data-masking

Answer 3:

Build up a rich plotting function by incrementally implementing each of the steps below:

  • Draw a scatterplot given dataset and x and y variables.
  • Add a line of best fit (i.e. a linear model with no standard errors).
  • Add a title that includes the names of the variables used.

Test your function with the built-in datasets cars, swiss, and iris.

scatterplot <- function(dataset, x, y){
  ggplot(data = dataset, aes(x = {{ x }}, y = {{ y }})) + 
    geom_jitter() + 
    geom_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE) + 
    labs(title = rlang::englue("Relationship between {{ x }} and {{ y }}"), 
         x = str_to_title(rlang::englue("{{ x }}")), 
         y = str_to_title(rlang::englue("{{ y }}"))) + 

scatterplot(cars, speed, dist)
scatterplot(swiss, Education, Fertility)
scatterplot(iris, Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width)


  1. Format in mdy().↩︎

  2. The documentation for group_by() doesn’t explicitly tell you which tidy evaluation method it uses so check out this resource to figure it out.↩︎