Homework 7 Key

knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = ">")



Answer 1

What is the shortest restaurant name? What is the longest restaurant name?

restaurants |> 
  distinct(Name) |> 
  mutate(length = str_length(Name)) |> 
  filter(length == min(length) | length == max(length))
> # A tibble: 2 × 2
>   Name                                                                    length
>   <chr>                                                                    <int>
> 1 AMAZON BLOCK 20 - LEVEL 2 - Espresso Service/Breakfast/New York Deli (…     77
> 2 KU                                                                           2

Answer 2:

Read the documentation for separate_longer_delim(). Use this function to figure out what 10 “words”1 are most frequently used for the restaurant names in this data set.

restaurants |> 
  distinct(Name) |> 
  separate_longer_delim(Name, delim = " ") |> 
  count(Name) |> 
> # A tibble: 9,370 × 2
>    Name           n
>    <chr>      <int>
>  1 &            692
>  2 LLC          619
>  3 CAFE         409
>  4 RESTAURANT   380
>  5 SCHOOL       360
>  6 THE          353
>  7 COFFEE       315
>  8 @            306
>  9 -            303
> 10 BAR          260
> # ℹ 9,360 more rows

Answer 3

Which zip code has the highest (meaning worst) mean Grade?2

restaurants |> 
  mutate(avg_score = mean(Grade, na.rm = TRUE),
            .by = c(Name)) |> 
  summarize(avg_score_zip = mean(avg_score, na.rm = TRUE), 
            .by = c(`Zip Code`)) |> 
> # A tibble: 1 × 2
>   `Zip Code` avg_score_zip
>        <dbl>         <dbl>
> 1      98115          2.02

For that worst-rated zip code, how has its average rating changed by year?3

zip_98115_year <- restaurants |> 
  filter(`Zip Code` == "98115") |>
  separate_wider_delim(`Inspection Date`, 
                       delim = "/", 
                       names = c("month", "day", "year")) |>  
  mutate(avg_score = mean(Grade, na.rm = TRUE),
            .by = c(Name)) |> 
  summarize(avg_score_zip = mean(avg_score, na.rm = TRUE), 
            .by = year) |> 
  arrange(desc(year)) |> 
> # A tibble: 18 × 2
>    year  avg_score_zip
>    <chr>         <dbl>
>  1 2023           2.30
>  2 2022           2.35
>  3 2021           2.23
>  4 2020           2.09
>  5 2019           2.08
>  6 2018           2.03
>  7 2017           2.12
>  8 2016           2.15
>  9 2015           2.10
> 10 2014           2.00
> 11 2013           2.01
> 12 2012           2.01
> 13 2011           2.00
> 14 2010           1.89
> 15 2009           1.97
> 16 2008           1.93
> 17 2007           1.91
> 18 2006           1.99
zip_98115_year2 <- restaurants |> 
  filter(`Zip Code` == "98115") |>
  mutate(inspection_date = mdy(`Inspection Date`), 
         year = year(inspection_date)) |> 
  mutate(avg_score = mean(Grade, na.rm = TRUE),
            .by = c(Name)) |> 
  summarize(avg_score_zip = mean(avg_score, na.rm = TRUE), 
            .by = c(`Zip Code`, year)) |> 
  arrange(desc(year)) |> 
> # A tibble: 18 × 3
>    `Zip Code`  year avg_score_zip
>         <dbl> <dbl>         <dbl>
>  1      98115  2023          2.30
>  2      98115  2022          2.35
>  3      98115  2021          2.23
>  4      98115  2020          2.09
>  5      98115  2019          2.08
>  6      98115  2018          2.03
>  7      98115  2017          2.12
>  8      98115  2016          2.15
>  9      98115  2015          2.10
> 10      98115  2014          2.00
> 11      98115  2013          2.01
> 12      98115  2012          2.01
> 13      98115  2011          2.00
> 14      98115  2010          1.89
> 15      98115  2009          1.97
> 16      98115  2008          1.93
> 17      98115  2007          1.91
> 18      98115  2006          1.99

Answer 4 (OPTIONAL):

Separate the variable Phone into three variables that only contain numerical digits: area_code, first_3, and last_4.

I came up with 4 different approaches to this but there may be more!

1. separate_wider_delim()

restaurants |> 
  distinct(Phone) |> 
  separate_wider_delim(cols = Phone, 
                       delim = " ",
                       names = c("area_code", "phone_number")) |>
  separate_wider_delim(cols = phone_number, 
                       delim = "-",
                       names = c("first_3", "last_4")) |>
  mutate(area_code = str_remove(area_code, pattern = "\\("),
         area_code = str_remove(area_code, pattern = "\\)"))
This separates the area code from the 7 digit phone number.
This separates the 7 digit phone number into the first three digits and the last (at least) four digits.
These calls remove the first (open) parentheses around the area code and then the second (close) parentheses.
> # A tibble: 7,384 × 3
>    area_code first_3 last_4
>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr> 
>  1 206       722     6400  
>  2 206       491     4694  
>  3 952       649     8629  
>  4 206       369     2978  
>  5 206       612     2660  
>  6 758       753     4760  
>  7 425       251     8803  
>  8 425       486     5555  
>  9 206       363     8950  
> 10 425       545     5552  
> # ℹ 7,374 more rows

2. separate_wider_delim() (w/ regex)

restaurants |> 
  distinct(Phone) |> 
  separate_wider_delim(cols = Phone, 
                       delim = regex("[ |-]"),
                       names = c("area_code", "first_3", "last_4")) |>
  mutate(area_code = str_remove(area_code, pattern = "\\("), 
         area_code = str_remove(area_code, pattern = "\\)"))
This regex is separating the whole phone number by a space or a dash (what the first approach did in two steps it does in one).
> # A tibble: 7,384 × 3
>    area_code first_3 last_4
>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr> 
>  1 206       722     6400  
>  2 206       491     4694  
>  3 952       649     8629  
>  4 206       369     2978  
>  5 206       612     2660  
>  6 758       753     4760  
>  7 425       251     8803  
>  8 425       486     5555  
>  9 206       363     8950  
> 10 425       545     5552  
> # ℹ 7,374 more rows

3. str_extract()

restaurants |> 
  distinct(Phone) |> 
  mutate(area_code = str_extract(Phone, "[:digit:]{3}"),
         first_3 = str_extract(Phone, "(?<= )[:digit:]{3}(?=-)"),
         last_4 = str_extract(Phone, "(?<=-)[:graph:]{4,}$"))
This regex extracts the first three digits.
This regex extracts three digits that are preceded by a space and followed by a dash.
This regex extracts at least four numbers/letters/punctuation characters following a dash.
> # A tibble: 7,384 × 4
>    Phone          area_code first_3 last_4
>    <chr>          <chr>     <chr>   <chr> 
>  1 (206) 722-6400 206       722     6400  
>  2 (206) 491-4694 206       491     4694  
>  3 (952) 649-8629 952       649     8629  
>  4 (206) 369-2978 206       369     2978  
>  5 (206) 612-2660 206       612     2660  
>  6 (758) 753-4760 758       753     4760  
>  7 (425) 251-8803 425       251     8803  
>  8 (425) 486-5555 425       486     5555  
>  9 (206) 363-8950 206       363     8950  
> 10 (425) 545-5552 425       545     5552  
> # ℹ 7,374 more rows

4. separate_wider_regex()

restaurants |> 
  distinct(Phone) |> 
  separate_wider_regex(cols = Phone, 
                       patterns = c("^\\(",
                                    area_code = "\\d{3}",
                                    "\\) ",
                                    first_3 = "\\d{3}",
                                    last_4 = ".{4,}$"))
With separate_wider_regex, any unnamed regex pattern is matched but not saved into a named variable. This regex matches and discards the first open parentheses.
This regex is an alternative to the one using str_extract that captures three digits in a row. (i.e. \\d is equivalent to [:digit:])
Matches and discards the second parentheses and a space.
Captures three digits in a row.
Matches and discards a dash.
Captures at least 4 characters at the end of the phone number. This regex actually includes the entire phone number, even the ones with typos and additional numbers/letters in the last part.
> # A tibble: 7,384 × 3
>    area_code first_3 last_4
>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr> 
>  1 206       722     6400  
>  2 206       491     4694  
>  3 952       649     8629  
>  4 206       369     2978  
>  5 206       612     2660  
>  6 758       753     4760  
>  7 425       251     8803  
>  8 425       486     5555  
>  9 206       363     8950  
> 10 425       545     5552  
> # ℹ 7,374 more rows


  1. Anything that is separated by spaces counts as a word for this problem.↩︎

  2. Note: To accurately reflect the true average you’ll want to weight this by restaurant: i.e. get the average grade by restaurant first, then get the average of those averages by zip code.↩︎

  3. There are a few ways to do this. Use the method that makes most sense to you!↩︎